5 Ways to Postpone Your Court Appearance for Drunk Driving

You have a right to a speedy trial. However, your all traffic offense attorney may suggest postponing your court appearance for your benefit. The charges could be dropped if delayed long enough, or, at the very least, the prosecution may be open to more lenient charges to get the case over with. With any case, […]
5 Ways to Fight a Stop Sign Ticket

Rolling stops are illegal in California, and police are on the lookout for motorists who indulge in them. They set themselves up near stop signs and wait for violators. If you’ve been found guilty of such an infraction, or maybe have outright run a stop sign, you need to know how to fight a stop […]
How Does a Cell Phone Ticket Impact Your Driving Record?

Some people who get traffic tickets wonder, “How long does a speeding ticket affect your insurance?” or “How does a cell phone ticket impact your driving record?” As with many things, that varies. For example, if this newest ticket is just the latest one in a long line of tickets or accidents, it could have […]
5 Ways Police Bust People for Cell Phone Use

No one needs to inform you that you shouldn’t text and drive–you already know this with all the constant awareness campaigns going around. But even though you know you shouldn’t do it, sometimes you do. Your phone helps you stay connected and it can be difficult to resist using it while you drive. If you […]
5 Facts to Know About Driving on a Suspended License in CA

It’s happened to even the most responsible people, driving on a suspended license. Whether it’s due to ignorance, forgetfulness, or an emergency, some drivers have found themselves in this situation – pulled over and charged with driving on a suspended license in California. Here are five things to know if it happens to you. Driving […]
4 Ways to Postpone Your Court Appearance for a Traffic Ticket

An all traffic offense attorney may recommend postponing your court appearance for your traffic ticket. Any kind of ticket, from running a stop sign to speeding, can result in hefty fines and points on your record. Delaying the court date is a strategy your Los Angeles ticket attorney may implement to increase the chances of […]
5 Ways to Get a Red Light Ticket Dismissed

Almost every driver runs a red light every now and then. Unfortunately, getting a red light camera ticket can be quite costly for you. You obviously don’t want to pay your traffic ticket–no one does. But did you know there are practical and easy ways to get one dismissed? Here are some tips for getting […]
5 Reasons to Fight a Speeding Ticket

Almost anywhere, people speed. However, if you get caught, you may be seriously inconvenienced. Although it may not seem too severe, you still want to hire an all traffic offense attorney to provide you with an effective speeding ticket fix. Every traffic infraction puts points on your record. In California, if you accumulate four points […]
Top 10 Cars Most Likely to Be Pulled Over

Even if you are doing your best to avoid going over the speed limit, changing lanes without signaling, and you are observing all the traffic laws you know, certain drivers just find themselves being pulled over more often than others. It helps to know who to call for a speeding ticket fix, but if you’re […]
Speeding Tickets, Traffic Citations and Your California Driving Record

Receiving a traffic ticket might initially seem like a nuisance, but it can be much more than that if you are not careful to retain a traffic ticket attorney. Knowing your California driving record can help you figure out whether or not you’re in danger of a serious violation or problem going down the road. […]