Can You Get an Open Container Ticket for Transporting Alcohol?

You’ve probably heard it said before that it is illegal to drive with an open alcoholic beverage in your vehicle. Yet such a statement is quite general; it’s in knowing the exact details of it that will help you should you ever be issued traffic tickets for this infraction. For example, are your passengers able […]
California Drivers License Suspensions for Medical Conditions

As a responsible driver, you know that driving with a suspended license CA is never a good idea, and as a conscientious citizen, you do everything you can to keep your drivers license in good standing. However, even if you are the most careful and law-abiding driver on the road, your drivers license could still […]
Are Breathalyzers Accurate?

A police officer who suspects you were driving while intoxicated has the authority to make an arrest if you show signs such as slurred speech, erratic driving or if a field sobriety test is flunked. You may also be given a breathalyzer test. This test, however, is not as accurate as a blood or urine […]
15 Facts About Texting & Driving

Texting and driving is a huge topic in today’s society. Here are some important things you should know about the effects of reckless driving. The consequences of usafe driving aren’t limited to physically picking up your phone. You may think that using Bluetooth technology or a headset is safe. Unfortunately, even using voice commands can […]
10 Things You Should Never Do While Driving

Behind the wheel of a vehicle is not the place to multitask. Everyone is probably guilty of engaging in an unsafe activity while driving, but one thoughtless action could cause an accident with the potential to negatively change lives, including your own, forever. If you see yourself in this list, make an effort to change […]
Uber Driver Requirements in California

The way Uber has disrupted the transportation industry is impressive. If you’re interested in cashing in on the opportunity by becoming an Uber driver, you’ll want to make sure you meet all the requirements. Here are some of the minimum prerequisites for being a California Uber driver. Background Check In order to drive for Uber, […]
How to Drive Uber in Los Angeles – Advice, Tips & Shortcuts

If you live in Los Angeles, chances are you already know that Uber has a mature operation here. It’s been around for years and ridesharing has become a staple to the local community. If you’re becoming an Uber driver in Los Angeles, you’ll need to know the best places to earn cash. The horrendous traffic […]
2018 5 Uber App Updates

If you drive for Uber, you are well aware that the company regularly updates its apps. However, while you may be used to some bug fixes and a few new features here and there, Uber has completely redesigned both the Driver and rider apps. There are tons of new features that will change the way […]
What Happens If You Miss Your Court Date for a Traffic Ticket?

Let’s face it. Everyone makes costly mistakes at one point or another. One common mistake that happens to even the most responsible drivers is missing their court date for a traffic ticket. This happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, life gets in the way, work gets too demanding or family issues prevent drivers from […]
What Happens If You Lose Your Traffic Ticket?

Getting a traffic ticket is something that happens to almost everyone, whether you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time or have some bad luck. Your luck can further get worse if you realize you’ve lost your traffic ticket. If that happens to you, don’t panic. There are plenty of solutions to help you […]