San Lorenzo
Fight Your San Lorenzo Traffic Ticket With an Experienced Law Firm Getting a traffic ticket in California isn’t cheap. You can choose to pay the overpriced fine, but you’ll get points on your record which could drive up the cost of your insurance. Going to court takes time and when you represent yourself, you aren’t […]
San Francisco
San Francisco Ticket Clinic The Ticket Clinic is a San Francisco law firm dedicated to helping people with traffic tickets. If you’re dealing with any traffic offense from speeding to suspended license, even DUI, call the lawyers at the Ticket Clinic. Fighting Tickets and Fines for 30 Years With three decades under our belt providing […]
Bay Area
Bay Area Traffic Ticket Attorneys The San Francisco Bay Area is a busy and hectic place. You get stuck in traffic, have trouble finding parking, and get driving citations. That’s why you need to get help from a San Francisco traffic ticket attorney from the Ticket Clinic. Whether you need legal help with a speeding […]
It Pays to Be Proactive about Oakland Traffic Tickets All types of drivers are at risk for an Oakland speeding ticket and other types of traffic tickets. One reason is due to the nature of the area. For example, the combination of many vehicle types and pedestrians means that it can become all too easy […]
San Jose
Protect Your Finances and Independence in San Jose If you’re talking about California gems, San Jose is likely to rank high on many people’s lists. Here, you can find views, recreation, culture, technology, health care and much more. However, quite a few residents depend on cars to get around, which means you could find yourself […]
Keep Your Driving Record Intact With a Sacramento Traffic Ticket Lawyer No one understands the traffic system in California quite like we do at The Ticket Clinic. It’s not just our experience and success that set us apart from the other ticket lawyers, but our commitment to speaking openly with our clients and coming up […]
Empower Yourself and Fight Your Modesto Traffic Charge If you are facing a traffic ticket or DUI charge, you may feel confused or powerless. However, the state must prove its case, and you have the right to defend yourself against allegations of wrongdoing. Law firms such as The Ticket Clinic employ lawyers who have a […]
Take a Stand against Monterey Traffic Tickets What do drivers tend to fear most other than losing their licenses? Many would say an increase in their car insurance. However, an increase is exactly what could happen after just one Monterey traffic ticket. If you are vigilant about your insurance, perhaps comparing quotes every year, adjusting […]
San Mateo
The Consequences of Tickets The fine is bad enough, but a San Mateo ticketcan cause more trouble than you’d think. On top of the base fine for the offense in question—which varies by county and type of violation and increases if you’ve been convicted for another recent violation—the state levies a 20% surcharge and you […]
Use Stockton Traffic Ticket Attorneys to Fight Your Ticket or Charge For some people, traffic tickets are a fact of life. They get a speeding ticket or two, pay up and live with insurance increases. What they may not realize is that they could be just one or two tickets away from losing some or […]