
Fight Traffic Tickets in Lancaster

Getting a ticket isn’t just embarrassing, but it can be costly, too. The cost of the ticket is just one part of the fees you could pay. You may be responsible for court costs. Your insurance may go up. Depending on the charge, you may face additional penalties. For example, with a DUI, you may have to install a breathalyzer and attend rehab. Plus, a DUI conviction will stay on your record forever. Fighting a ticket can be scary, but you can find help at the Ticket Clinic.

Legal Assistance Is Available

At the Ticket Clinic in Lancaster, you’ll find legal assistance for all types of traffic offenses. We offer personalized attention to ensure your rights are protected as you deal with the justice system. Our lawyers will walk you through every step of the process and go to court if you need to. We get results.

Practice Areas Include

Our Lancaster traffic ticket lawyers help clients with these types of issues:

  • Conducción imprudente
  • Multas por semáforo en rojo
  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • DUIs
  • Accidentes

Whether you’re dealing with the court or having to deal with the administrative procedures of reinstating your license, you need a qualified Lancaster DUI attorney on your side.

We Work for You

A Lancaster speeding ticket can have more consequences than just paying a simple fine. In Northern California, a red light camera ticket is more common than ever before. We get results when you’re facing a traffic ticket or DUI. With over 30 years of experience, our lawyers have a wealth of knowledge about challenging radar or laser evidence to protect your driving record.

Contact the Ticket Clinic Today

Facing the legal system when your license or freedom is at stake can be daunting. Call the Ticket Clinic at 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) for the best suspended license attorneys when you need legal advice or criminal defense. You can also reach us online for your convenience.