How To Handle California Speeding Tickets 2024 Update

June 23, 2024

Receiving a speeding ticket is pretty annoying but things could get even more frustrating if you do not handle things correctly. This is why it’s important to reach out to a California traffic attorney as soon as possible after receiving your ticket. 

You might be unsure about how to handle a speeding ticket, but it’s crucial to be aware of the potential consequences of a traffic citation. Each ticket can bring you closer to losing your driving privileges. Therefore, taking proactive steps to keep a speeding citation off your driving record is essential. 

Receiving a citation for speeding doesn’t automatically mean you’re guilty. Many people assume that paying the fine and hoping for the best might seem like the easiest route, but it’s a risky strategy. Additional citations can accrue points on your driving record, hike up your insurance rates, and even lead to a suspended license if those points add up. 

If you’ve been cited for speeding it’s worth considering how to contest that ticket even if there are no obvious signs the ticket was issued in error or involved special circumstances. Hiring a skilled traffic attorney in California is a smart move to present your case effectively. Click here to use our traffic ticket lawyer calculator.

Legitimate California Speeding Ticket Defenses

If you’re unsure about how to handle a speeding ticket, you’ll be glad to know there are potential ways to contest it. While we cannot show all of our traffic lawyer tricks of the trade, we can give the basic gist of some core defenses. One effective defense is proving that you were dealing with an emergency. Additionally, if you had to speed up to avoid a collision with another vehicle or a pedestrian, this could serve as a valid excuse to plead not guilty.

Beat A Traffic Ticket Due To Officer Error or Human Error

When wondering, “How can I beat a speeding ticket?”, you might find that human error works in your favor. Just because an officer is in uniform doesn’t mean they’re immune to mistakes. In fact, police officers make mistakes ALL THE TIME. There have been instances where officers have cited the wrong traffic code or tried to enforce an outdated statute. Sometimes, they might even stop the wrong vehicle. There are also cases where citations are filled out sloppily, with errors in your name, address, or other details. These mistakes can lead a judge to question the officer’s competence, potentially resulting in a dismissal of the charge.

Fight A Traffic Ticket Using Equipment Error

Radar devices used to measure vehicle speed are highly sophisticated and require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accuracy. The operators of these devices must be trained and certified. Over the years, there have been numerous legal challenges regarding the reliability of such devices used for traffic citations. It’s crucial to verify that all procedures were properly followed and that your speeding violation is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. To effectively defend against a speeding ticket, consulting with a traffic attorney could be beneficial. While you have the right to represent yourself in court, teaming up with an experienced speeding ticket lawyer can significantly enhance your chances of contesting the charge successfully.

Hire An Experienced California Traffic Lawyer

When pondering how to challenge a speeding ticket or a reckless driving charge, choosing the right defense strategy can make a big difference in your future. It’s important to note that not every driving offense will be pardoned by a traffic court judge, and some drivers might need to file an appeal. If you find yourself needing a vigorous defense, it’s wise to seek the help of an experienced lawyer for reckless driving or speeding charges.

How CA Traffic Tickets Can Impact Your Driving Record

The main reason to contest all traffic tickets is to make sure your driving record stays clean. This will help you avoid any serious issues down the road (no pun intended.) With multiple violations, the stakes rise quickly. To check your California driving history, you can pull a report detailing: 

  • DUI citations
  • Past traffic infractions
  • Issuing dates and locations of your driver’s license
  • Reported accidents
  • Driver’s license suspensions or revocations

What Do Points On Your License Actually Mean?

Any traffic violations you commit, whether within California or in another state, will show up on your California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driving record. Each violation adds points to your record, and accumulating too many can lead to your license being suspended or even revoked. Common infractions that add points to your driving record include:

  • 2 points for hit and run injury or property damage
  • 2 points for driving while your license is revoked or suspended
  • 2 points for refusing a DUI test
  • 2 points for reckless driving or evading an officer
  • 1 point for violating license restrictions
  • 1 point for crossing safety cones or flares
  • 1 point for disregarding a crossing guard who is not a student
  • 1 point for disobedience to a traffic officer

If you’ve noticed any errors on your California driving record, you can correct them by reaching out to your local DMV office. Additionally, enrolling in a traffic violator school can help remove points from your record, although this option isn’t available for every type of infraction.

How Do the Points Stack Up on My California Driving License?

Your driver’s license could be revoked or suspended for accumulating too many points over a certain time period. These include:

  • 8 points over 36 months
  • 6 points in 24 months
  • 4 points in 12 months

Your insurance rates might climb, especially if the speeding ticket involved points violations tied to a car accident. And if you’re planning to apply for a job as a commercial vehicle driver, keep in mind that your California driving record could lead an employer to reject your application.

Can I Get Points Expunged From My California Driving Record?

The California DMV assigns points to your driver’s license when you commit a major driving offense or get a traffic ticket. Once these points appear on your driving record, they’re there to stay. However, some drivers might qualify to attend traffic school to prevent points from being added to their license. You’ll either receive a notification by mail or be informed at your court hearing.

How Long Will Points Stay on My Driving Record in California?

Your driving record can be cleared of points depending on the type of violation initially assessed. For instance, a failure to appear in court for a DUI stays on your record for 13 years, whereas a minor traffic violation carries a 1-point penalty that is removed after 39 months. Points from serious offenses like hit-and-runs or DUIs also remain for 13 years. Additionally, failing to appear in court will mark your record for 5 years. Each type of infraction carries unique penalties. DUI criminal records also appear on the California Department of Motor Vehicles driving history report. To attend traffic school or confirm that an old issue has been resolved, you may need to provide a DUI arrest record. 

In Summary: Avoid Points On Your Driving Record At All Costs! Consult A Traffic Lawyer.

As you can tell, points on your driving record can lead to bigger problems than just a traffic ticket. It’s crucial to act quickly when in any situation where your license could be jeopardized. Once points are received they can stay with you for many years to come. Call 1-800-CITATION for a free consultation or hire us online.