Speeding Over 100MPH Is A Fast Growing Trend – California Traffic Enforcement Update

Less traffic and open highways throughout California are contributing to an uptick in certain types of traffic tickets. Even with fewer people are travelling, law enforcement is working closely with Caltrans on safe transportation initiatives despite decreased driver presence on state roadways due to stay-at-home orders. Many drivers are taking advantage of less congested roads […]
How To Beat A California Speeding Ticket Issued By An Airplane Unit

The State of California uses airplane units for a wide range of purposes. From surveillance to suspect apprehension to identifying hazardous road conditions, an eye from the sky is a vital part of efficient law enforcement practice. Although these airplane units have many beneficial uses, there are serious questions about their role in traffic enforcement, […]
What To Do If You Have a Traffic Ticket Case During Coronavirus Quarantine.

Amidst the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, the Judicial Council of California continues to carefully monitor the developing virus outbreak and situations surrounding it. Courts across the nation have been advised to follow the guidance provided by the Department of Public Health, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of […]