Traffic Court San Mateo

Traffic Courthouse in San Mateo

Being charged with DUI or reckless driving is San Mateo County is very serious, because they’re both considered misdemeanors. Misdemeanors can haunt you for the rest of your life:

  • Jail time of six months to a year or more
  • Suspension or revocation of your driver’s license
  • Fines of over $2,000
  • Loss of employment
  • Permanent criminal record if convicted

Besides causing huge increases in insurance costs, having a criminal record can completely change your life. Instead of pleading guilty or trying to fight your conviction by yourself in traffic court, contact an experienced Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI)lawyer immediately.

Trust in Real Attorneys

Don’t risk your future on online traffic ticket “services” that only take care of paperwork. You don’t want a robot standing between you and possible jail time.

At The Ticket Clinic, we’re different. We’re an actual law firm, totally dedicated to representing our clients in traffic ticket court. When it comes to DUI and reckless driving, we have professional attorneys who know every aspect of California driving laws and criminal statutes. They can help by:

  • Challenging roadside driving sobriety test results
  • Calling expert witnesses to testify
  • Finding applicable technicalities
  • Having your case dismissed
  • Reducing misdemeanors to infractions
  • Assisting you in getting your license back

San Mateo County Traffic Court Locations

Knowing where to go to defend your case in San Mateo can be tricky if you’re going it alone. There are five different Superior Court of California – County of San Mateo locations that apply depending on what you’ve been charged with.

  • South criminal court – for DUIs:400 County Center, Redwood City, California
  • South traffic court:Annex Building at 500 County Center, Redwood City, California
  • Northern branch:1050 Mission Road, South San Francisco, California
  • Central branch:800 North Humboldt Street, San Mateo, California
  • Juvenile traffic offenses:222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo, California

You don’t have to fight your DUI or reckless driving charge – or a San Mateo traffic ticket – alone. Contact The Ticket Clinic for assistance from our trustworthy attorneys and have over 30 years of experience behind you. Call us at 1 (800) 248-2846 or fill out our online form right away.