
You Deserve Quality Help Defending a Whittier Traffic Ticket

The Ticket Clinic is a law firm with lawyers and legal assistants who work to help people with their traffic charges and tickets. In some cases, going to court is necessary, but clients often prefer to avoid that if possible. In many cases, our lawyers can get a case dismissed or negotiate a reduction in charges or fines. It may also be possible to avoid traffic school and points on a driver’s license.

How We Help

The first thought when you get into a car accident may be, “Who are the best accident ticket lawyers?” While “best” is subjective and means different things to different people, The Ticket Clinic more than holds its own. Our hallmarks are a high success rate and a great price point, which is why many people consider us the best if they need help. So, whether it is a red light ticket attorney in Whittier you need or a suspended license ticket fix, it never hurts to get in touch.

In fact, we help our clients with many traffic issues. Common ones are:

  • Accidentes
  • Licencias suspendidas
  • DUIs
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Fix-its
  • Red lights

Some of these offenses do rise to the level of criminal charges, and The Ticket Clinic has a lot of experience assisting clients with these. Convictions can hurt you in both the short term and the long term, and we are prepared to take a case to court if it comes to that. For example, a Whittier DUI ticket lawyer at our firm can press in court to see if police had a legitimate reason to conduct a traffic stop and if all procedures and tests were followed correctly.

Possible Outcomes of “Overlooking” a Ticket

Regardless of whether you pay a ticket or not, the outcomes could be serious. For example, get enough tickets close together, and you might lose your driving privileges. If you don’t pay tickets, you could lose your license too. At the very least, you are likely to see an increase in your car insurance.

Reach Out

The Whittier traffic ticket lawyers at The Ticket Clinic help people every day with many situations. To discuss your case today, you can call 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) or use the online contact form.