Van Nuys

Fight Traffic Tickets With Help From Van Nuys Law Firm

Don’t let traffic tickets in Van Nuys keep you off the road. Too many traffic violations increase your insurance rates and may lead to a suspended license. Keep your record clean by challenging a traffic ticket that was unjustly assigned. You have a right to a fair trial, and the best way to make sure the trial dismisses the traffic violation is by working with an experienced The Ticket Clinic traffic attorney. Call us today at 1-866-248-2846

At the Ticket Clinic in Van Nuys, our goal is to have your traffic ticket or driving offense dismissed. That means you don’t have to worry about points on your license, traffic school, a suspended license or something worse. When you work with us, an experienced traffic ticket attorney in Van Nuys personally reviews your case. Our law firm has helped more than three million drivers across the nation, and we can help you too.

Defense Strategies That Work

Over 30 years of experience means our legal teams are ready to tell you how to get rid of a traffic violation. For example, points may accumulate on your driving record after running a red light or getting a speeding ticket. Each type of traffic violation has unique components and it takes a well-developed defense strategy to get this violation waved. A ticket can be dismissed if the officer cannot provide certain information to the court. This is just one example of something we check for using a tried-and-true 22-step procedure checklist.

When starting a new work week or planning a family trip, the last thing you want to worry about is a recent traffic violation. It is easier to challenge a violation than to wait and try to remove it later, something you can only try to do once every 18 months. Our legal team knows what questions to ask when developing a defense strategy that proves a violation is unjust and should be dismissed. For example, you may have been targeted unethically in a speed trap.

Traffic violations are a matter of the law and it is possible to use the law to get them dismissed. Even if a violation is not completely dismissed, an effective defense strategy may decrease the fine you pay.

80-Percent Success Rate

Do you have an unpaid suspended license ticket or another driving issue? Professional attorneys at the Ticket Clinic specialize in resolving tickets and charges such as DUI that can negatively impact your life for years. We’re proud of our 80-percent success rate helping drivers avoid such negative situations. Your Van Nuys ticket lawyer has skills and experience to reach a positive resolution of your case, whether that is reduced charges or a complete dismissal of them.

No Courtrooms, No Big Bills

You have a busy life and plenty of important things to do rather than sit in a courtroom waiting for your case to be called. When you hire us, you can skip a court appearance; that’s our job. We work with a variety of traffic issues, including:

  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI)
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Licencia suspendida
  • Pasarse un semáforo en rojo
  • Traffic accidents
  • Conducción imprudente

We understand that you can’t afford big bills for legal aid in Van Nuys any more than you can afford to have your license suspended. Ticket Clinic prices are affordable, and if you decide to go to trial, our prices remain competitive.

Call Us for a Free Consultation

When you need help with traffic tickets, contact the Ticket Clinic for professional representation at the best rates. Along with our Van Nuys professionals, we offer a Glendale traffic ticket attorney and additional services at a variety of California locations. Learn how to get out of a traffic ticket in Van Nuys with a free consultation at The Ticket Clinic. Call us today at 1-800-632-4000

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

“It’s like magic, seriously.  I haven’t lost on a ticket yet, and I’ve gone to them for the last 5 of my tickets.  No point on my record and no raise in my insurance prices.  Thank you!”-David B., Van Nuys