Santa Monica

Get Ahead of Your Santa Monica Traffic Ticket

Some of the best views in California are in Long Beach and Santa Monica. What isn’t pretty, though, is a traffic ticket, whether it is for speeding, reckless driving or something else. A Santa Monica traffic ticket lawyer with The Ticket Clinic may be able to help you fight your ticket or criminal charge in a variety of ways. For example, you might end up getting no points on your license, or the case against you could be dismissed altogether.

Traffic Tickets Can Be Serious

It can take just one traffic ticket for your car insurance to increase enough to sting. Accumulate enough tickets over a time period such as a year, and your driver’s license might even be suspended. Rather than wait and see what happens after you receive your first ticket, it is often in your best interest to contact a Santa Monica traffic attorney or a Long Beach traffic ticket lawyer.

The Ticket Clinic helps with tickets in areas such as:

  • Licencias suspendidas
  • Accidentes
  • DUIs
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Red lights
  • Fix-its

Some of these may be criminal charges that could possibly result in convictions, and it is quite important to educate yourself about these charges. Even misdemeanors can hurt your chances at employment and cause you to lose your license for at least a few months.

Look for a Law Firm with a Good Reputation

Whether you need help with a speeding ticket or with a red light ticket defense, you want a law firm whose lawyers are savvy, efficient, affordable and convenient. You get these qualities with The Ticket Clinic. For example, a red light ticket in Santa Monica need not cost hundreds of dollars when a lawyer may be able to use well-honed defense strategies to argue a case or to uncover procedural or technical errors.

Get in Touch with The Ticket Clinic

Need help with your traffic tickets today? You can call 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) or use the online contact form to discuss your case with The Ticket Clinic.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

“The lawyer who represented me helped me get a very hard commercial ticket dismissed. I’m thankful for him and The Ticket Clinics affordable price to represent me. I recommend them to all my Commercial Driver associates.”-Jay I., Santa Monica

“This company is awesome! The attorney got me out of my $700 ticket that I didn’t deserve. Will definitely use again. If you get a ticket, this is the place to go to!”-Sheila A., Santa Monica