
Personalized Service from a Traffic Ticket Attorney in Salinas

More often than not, one can find a red light camera at traffic signals. They’re excellent at catching your car when it does a rolling stop, or worse, doesn’t stop at all. Of course, many people feel that these cameras are unconstitutional. If you feel that you have unfairly received a red light traffic ticket, allow The Ticket Clinic to help you. Our Salinas red light camera ticket lawyer is experienced, professional, and knowledgeable in the best ways to defend you against a fine that could potentially cost you hundreds of dollars.

Serving You for More Than 30 Years

The Ticket Clinic first opened its doors in 1987. Since then, we have helped more than 3,000,000 civilians fight their traffic tickets. In California, we’ve been in operation for eight years and have a presence in more than 50 counties. Our Salinas traffic attorney is knowledgeable in a range of areas.

  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Accidentes
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Licencia suspendida
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI)
  • Other traffic offenses

How Our Service Works

Whether you have an unpaid suspended license ticket or a Salinas speeding ticket, the attorneys at The Ticket Clinic use the same methods to assist you. Most importantly, we don’t use apps or robots. Instead, we have developed a 22-item checklist that details every document an officer must bring with him or her to your court date. If you show up to court and the officer forgets even one of those items, your case may be dismissed. Furthermore, we understand that the state of California only allows certain devices to clock your speed and we use that information to our advantage when it comes to your defense.

Speak to an Attorney Today

Whether you want to fight a speeding ticket or need a San Jose DUI ticket fixer, The Ticket Clinic is ready to help. You can learn more about our services by filling out our easy contact form or calling us at 1-800-248-2846.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

They are so amazing, I got red camera ticket and after few months they fixed it. Thank you to The Ticket Clinic!”-Hadi D., Salinas