
You Don’t Have to Take Traffic Tickets Lying Down

Traffic tickets can feel like an inevitability of life. One moment you’re cruising along, and the next you’re pulled over with an officer writing out a citation. Even if you feel like it wasn’t your fault, you often seem helpless to fight it. The court costs, time, and energy involved in fighting a Malibu traffic ticket may not seem worth the hassle. With the help of Ticket Clinic and a team of qualified speeding ticket lawyers, you can stand up for your rights as a driver.

Avoid Points on Your License

One of the hidden penalties of traffic tickets, particularly Malibu DUI tickets, is the accumulation of negative points on your driver’s record. Even if you pay the ticket, those points can continue to rack up penalties that affect your driving eligibility and can lead to mandatory attendance at programs or classes. By contesting the ticket with a skilled Malibu traffic attorney, you can prevent those points from racking up on your record.

Multiple Types of Tickets Handled

If you’re looking for Los Angeles DUI attorneys, trust a group with over 30 years of experience in handling traffic cases in California. Other areas of focus include:

  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Licencias suspendidas
  • Accidentes
  • Red light violations
  • Accidentes
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Many other traffic offenses

We have an extremely high success rate, with outstanding feedback from multiple happy clients. Let us save you both the money and the intangible costs of dealing with tickets and violations today.

Call for your free consultation today

The lawyers at Ticket Clinic have amassed experience from handling over 3,000,000 cases nationwide. Let that knowledge and skill work for you by calling 1-800-248-2846 today to get started on your free consultation. You can also use our contact form to get in touch for a rapid response. Don’t wait until the last minute with your traffic tickets. Find out your rights to contest your ticket now.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

“I typically don’t write reviews but I feel compelled to do it now. I was very skeptical when my sister told me about the Ticket Clinic but I decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did.  The process was so easy and they were successful in having my ticket dismissed.  It’s definitely worth trying!” Lissa S., Malibu

“A friend told me about the ticket clinic, I was a skeptical, what with the non refundable charge and really didn’t think there was much you can do to get out of a ticket.  I paid the fee and let them do their thing. They got me perfect results, my ticket was dismissed, my “bail” was refunded, no points on my dmv / insurance rates.” Jackie B., Malibu