Ladera Ranch

Get in Front of Your Ladera Ranch Tickets

It’s never fun if you get a traffic ticket, but what many people do not realize is that traffic tickets can carry serious long-term consequences. For example, several tickets in a year could mean you are facing one more ticket, that for a suspended license. You don’t have to go through these times alone. A Ladera Ranch traffic ticket lawyer with The Ticket Clinic may be able to help.

What The Ticket Clinic Does

The Ticket Clinic is a law firm that assists clients in areas such as:

  • Reckless/careless driving charges
  • Cargos por DUI
  • Multas por semáforo en rojo
  • Accident tickets
  • Suspended license tickets
  • Multas por exceso de velocidad

To give an example, our speeding ticket lawyers can and do hold police officers and others accountable for proving their case. For example, the radar equipment may have malfunctioned, or a police car was not positioned correctly. Our lawyers have almost 30 years of experience representing clients nationwide, and we offer success, affordable prices and convenience.

Get Ahead of Traffic Tickets and Charges

Charges such as DUI or reckless driving may result in criminal convictions, so it’s important to get ahead of them as well as traffic tickets. Even with speeding tickets, your monthly insurance payments could increase significantly. It is also noteworthy how often police officers don’t set up proper tests. With a DUI stop, for example, an officer might administer the field sobriety test on an uneven surface. There is a lot that goes into issuing a Ladera Ranch traffic ticket and many potentially vulnerable points to explore.

Get in Touch with Us

Because knowledge is power, learn as much as you can today about your Ladera Ranch suspended license tickets or other traffic offenses. A careless driving ticket attorney with The Ticket Clinic may be able to get your charges dropped and your tickets dismissed, so get the ball rolling today. Call us today at 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) or submit this online contact form.