La Mesa

Overcome a Traffic Ticket in La Mesa

Even the best drivers may have to deal with speeding tickets or tickets from La Mesa red light cameras someday. For you, that day could be today, and The Ticket Clinic wants to help. We are a law firm that assists clients with issues such as:

  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Multas por semáforo en rojo
  • Cargos por DUI
  • Cargos por conducción temeraria
  • Fix-it tickets
  • Car accident charges
  • Licencias suspendidas

We work to get your charges and tickets dismissed or reduced, and for you to not have to attend driving school. We’ll even take your case to court.

Hold Police Officers and Prosecutors Accountable

We use a 22-point checklist to see if police officers and prosecutors have done what they are legally obligated to do. Many times, they have skipped something important, and that could help your case greatly. The Ticket Clinic’s results speak for themselves, as our lawyers have a success rate of at least 80 percent nationwide with three million cases and counting.

Tackle the Issue

It can be overwhelming, even frightening, to think about having to speak to a La Mesa DUI ticket attorney. In fact, DUI means criminal charges, and a misdemeanor conviction can negatively affect your life for years to come. Even a “mere” ticket for an offense such as speeding or running a red light can be harmful too, especially if you later accumulate several tickets over several years. It could mean having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in ticket charges, increased insurance costs, and potentially losing your driver’s license.

Issues such as a DUI, speeding, and car accidents can seem cut and dry, but often, they are not. For example, an accident ticket cleaner with our firm might be able to poke holes in the other side’s view that states that your U-turn or excessive speed caused an accident.

Contact Us Today

Whether you need a red light camera ticket lawyer or a lawyer for other traffic issues, we want to hear from you. You can call us today at 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) or submit an online explanation of your ticket.