La Habra

Don’t Pay for Charges You Didn’t Earn

Traffic charges can come with steep penalties such as insurance spikes, hefty fines, and even jail time. If you believe you are facing unfair allegations, then a La Habra traffic attorney from The Ticket Clinic can help. Our legal professionals will work with you to establish the circumstances of the charges and build a case in your defense.

How We Work

The Ticket Clinic has been in business for over three decades, and we opened our first California office eight years ago. Our 80 percent success rate makes us the obvious choice for a speeding ticket fix in the La Habra area. After your free consultation, we will review your case and develop a plan. We may be able to find a technicality that gets your case dismissed right off the bat. If you do end up going to trial, we can provide you with the strong legal presence you need to succeed in court.

Who We Represent

Whether you have been in an accident or are looking for a La Habra red light camera ticket lawyer, The Ticket Clinic has the solution you need. We represent clients facing circumstances such as:

  • Reckless driving tickets
  • DUIs
  • Licencias suspendidas
  • Accidentes
  • Multas por semáforo en rojo
  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Fix-it tickets

Affordable Success

You always have the option to represent yourself in court and you may be considering doing so if you think your charges are unjust. However, when you hire a careless driving ticket lawyer from The Ticket Clinic, you can have legal prowess on your side for as little as $99. Instead of gambling on your ability to learn the legal system in a few days, invest in our knowledge and experience. We can provide you an edge that helps you win.


Ready to contest your La Habra speeding ticket? The Ticket Clinic can help. Call 1-800-248-2846 for a free consultation or fill out our easy contact form online.