
Get a Camarillo Traffic Attorney at an Affordable Price

So, you were driving home from work on the Ventura Freeway and you got a speeding ticket. What do you do first? If you immediately thought, “pay the ticket,” you could be doing yourself a huge disservice. Traffic tickets are a big business in California and affect a lot of people, not just reckless drivers. If your driving record is at stake or you feel you have received a ticket in error, you need to come talk to the Camarillo ticket fixers at The Ticket Clinic.

Tickets We Fight

Here at The Ticket Clinic, we believe that motorists are entitled to representation and a fair trial when their driving records are threatened. We can and will defend all traffic citations, ensuring that your rights are not violated. Our experienced Camarillo speeding ticket lawyers use defense tactics that we’ve developed over nearly 3 decades in business.

Some of the most common tickets we defend include:

Red Light Camera Tickets

Red light cameras have become a hot topic lately as many citizens believe they may be unconstitutional. Our lawyers are trained and successful in fighting these tickets. In fact, we have an 80% success rate.

Multas por exceso de velocidad

We believe that most law enforcement officers do their best to honestly enforce driving laws. However, there are still those that unethically use speed traps to target law-abiding citizens. We can help.

DUI Charges

If you’ve recently been charged with a DUI, you need good representation. Our skilled attorneys can help put a solid defense strategy into place.

Suspended Licenses

While a suspended license might seem devastating, it’s usually easier to get it resolved than you may think. Our traffic lawyers will do all they can to get you back up and driving.

Get an Attorney Today

Whether you need an accident ticket fix or an abogado para una multa por licencia suspendida sin pagar, we can handle the case. Fill out an online explanation, or call us today at 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) for a free consultation.