
Know Your Rights With Speeding Tickets

If you’ve picked up speeding tickets or red light tickets in Burbank, you aren’t stuck with paying the fine and taking the hit to your driving record. You have more rights to contest the tickets than you think, but it can still be daunting to think of court costs and hassle without the benefit of support from a qualified attorney. If you need a Burbank or Glendale traffic ticket attorney, trust the affordable, skilled professionals at Ticket Clinic.

Over 30 Years of Success as Traffic Lawyers

For the past 30 years, we’ve built a record of successfully handling contestation and dismissal of Burbank speeding tickets, Burbank red light tickets, and more. Our full list of services includes:

  • Cargos por DUI
  • Red light cameras
  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Licencias suspendidas
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Accidentes
  • Other moving violations

You have the right to a fair trial, rather than arbitrarily accepting the ticket and your penalty. Our defense strategies are designed to make it easy to affirm your rights as a citizen and protect your driving record.

License Suspensions

A license suspension can dramatically impact your life. Not only can it impede your ability to get to work or social functions in a timely fashion, but it can affect your insurance premiums. Don’t let a license suspension raise your monthly costs. Work with a suspended license lawyer with the skills, knowledge, and success rate to get you reinstated with little to no impact on your driving record or insurance.

Contact Us Today

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation. One of our Burbank traffic lawyers will be happy to speak with you regarding your case and educate you on the options you have to contest your ticket. Give us a call at 1-800-248-2846 today, or use our contact form to leave us a message. Ticket Clinic is your trusted partner for turning around your traffic ticket case and maintaining a spotless driving record.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

“I am so happy that I used The Ticket Clinic!! Both my husband and I have gotten out of our tickets and we will keep coming back. They are professional and courteous on the phone and send you letters to keep you updated on the progress of your case. Thanks again!” -Chelsea H., Burbank

“I had a very good experience with The Ticket Clinic. I paid $200 which was much better than paying $490 for the ticket plus traffic school.” – Agrav J., Burbank