
A Law Firm that Helps You with Anaheim Traffic Tickets

Are you dealing with a red light camera ticket in Anaheim? The Ticket Clinic law firm may be able to help. Our attorneys are well-versed in dealing with many traffic-related issues, including:

  • Licencias suspendidas
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI)
  • Conducción imprudente
  • Multas por semáforo en rojo
  • Fix-it tickets
  • Car accidents

Whether it is red light camera ticket fixers or DUI ticket fixers you seek, The Ticket Clinic has nearly 30 years of experience helping clients get their charges dropped or reduced while avoiding traffic school. We are not like some other services that purport to help you, but, in reality, just puzzle over your case and end up referring you to us. We are a genuine law firm unafraid to take cases to court when necessary.

Driving in Anaheim Can Be Tricky

Anyone who drives in the Anaheim area knows how tricky it can be. When traffic is heavy, it might take only a half-second of someone looking away for a car accident to happen. Or, if you’re traveling from one area to another, you might not realize that speed limits have changed.

Police officers are under a lot of pressure to hand out tickets and make more revenue for cities. Occasionally, in their haste, they skip important procedural steps or don’t check that their equipment is working properly. These are two big reasons why The Ticket Clinic may be able to get your Anaheim speeding ticket dropped. In fact, we have a 22-item checklist that we use to see whether police and prosecutors are upholding their obligations.

Contact Us Today

You need a traffic attorney in Anaheim, so get in touch with The Ticket Clinic today to see if we’d be a good fit for each other. Call us today at 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) for a free consultation or fill out this online form. Remember that we help our clients with multiple issues so you get an all traffic offense attorney when you use our services.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

“Got a speeding ticket completely dismissed. Period. Not only did hiring them get me off the hook, it took the headache away from day one. I just paid the $199 fee and let them take care of everything. It feels good to know that The Ticket Clinic is on my side, always in my back pocket. Highly recommended.”-Jonathan W., Anaheim