
Helping Alameda Residents Fight Their Traffic Tickets for Over 30 Years

Not much is worse than seeing those blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror…except, maybe, opening the ticket you got in the mail informing you that you now owe hundreds of dollars. Traffic tickets are expensive, but even once you pay the fee, you will continue to pay a price. The law doesn’t say that you have to take this lying down. It doesn’t matter what your driving record looks like, you have a right to fight. Don’t throw your money and future opportunities away on a fine. From increased insurance rates to an inability to get a job that involves driving, the points on your record can take a toll on your future. Don’t let that happen. Don’t pay the fee. Instead, contact a speeding ticket lawyer at The Ticket Clinic to help fight the ticket and get it scratched from your record.

It’s so common these days for clients to be referred to a call center or an app when dealing with an Alameda court ticket. Rest assured that with Ticket Clinic, you’re going to be put in the cares of a real Alameda attorney who is deeply knowledgeable about handling moving violations, suspended licenses and DUI charges. Wherever you received your citation, we’ve got you covered with legal support to get it dismissed. Defensive driving and driver’s license points just won’t do! For over three decades, we’ve successfully gotten our clients’ tickets dismissed with a success rate of 80%. We’ve handled millions of cases across the country and we will handle yours!

Save Your Hard-Earned Money and Precious Time

You may have heard that fighting a traffic ticket is not worth your time or money. Whoever told you that clearly did not have a skilled Alameda traffic attorney on his or her side. When you hire a lawyer from The Ticket Clinic to go to battle for you, you save on both hard-earned resources. One of our attorneys will not only give you the knowledge you need to fight the ticket on your own, but, if necessary, he or she will even go to court on your behalf. Say goodbye to that pesky Alameda red light ticket. Ignore those who think that hiring the services of an attorney is only necessary when you’re dealing with a serious injury, death or possible jail time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if this is your first time getting an Alameda ticket, keeping your driving record spotless is a worthwhile pursuit.  You may be pondering defensive driving as an alternative, but who has the time or patience to take a class. At Ticket Clinic, our aim is set higher: a dismissal. We make you our priority and act in your best interest.

Tickets We Fight

Whether an airplane’s radar clocked you going 100 MPH, a traffic camera caught you blowing through an intersection or an actual officer pulled you over for performing an illegal maneuver, our Alameda traffic ticket lawyers are armed with the experience and know-how to get your ticket dismissed. Though we fight a number of violations, the most common include:

  • Multas por exceso de velocidad
  • Fix-It Tickets
  • Red Light Tickets
  • Reckless Driving
  • Accidentes
  • DUIs
  • Licencia Suspendida

Ticket Clinic provides the best in legal defense for traffic tickets. We are a national leader among firms that handle all types of tickets. We are also nationally ranked when it comes to trial law firms. The benefit this offers you is that you have qualified counsel who will hold your hand throughout the entire process, including the courtroom. We utilize our best practices to help you win your case. We are recognized as legal experts in various media outlets. We eat, sleep and breathe traffic ticket defense.

Call the Alameda Red Light Tickets Attorneys Today

At the Ticket Clinic, in addition to personalized, face-to-face customer service, we also offer online consultation. You’re getting a licensed professional who is thoroughly familiar with driving laws in Alameda with a strong track record of dismissals. We won’t hand your case off to someone else or leave you to deal with a paralegal or clerk. Our customer service is top notch. You will be in direct, constant contact with the lawyer who is working on your case from beginning to end.

Do you drive professionally or rely on your license to work? You’ll be glad to know that we extend our services to driving professionals. When maintaining a clean driving record is critical to your ability to earn income, Ticket Clinic is your trusted provider of legal services. We employ attorneys who specialize in handling tickets for commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders, fleet owners and other independent drivers.

At Ticket Clinic, we believe that every person who has been charged with a ticket deserves their day in court. That traffic ticket has bigger implications than just a mere fine. A blemished driving record can lead to higher insurance premiums, not to mention, negative effects on future employment opportunities. Don’t let one moment in time scar your future. Let the experts at Ticket Clinic put our best-in-class experience to work for you.

The longer you wait to call an attorney, the less time he or she will have to build your case. Reach out to our accident ticket cleaners for the help you need to clear your record. Use our online contact form or call 1-800-CITATION (248-2846) to schedule your free consultation.