Why You Really Don’t Want To Get Pulled Over With a Suspended License

junio 4, 2018

The law is plain and simple: you cannot drive without a valid license. If you’re caught driving with a suspended license, there are serious consequences. After receiving a traffic violations, it’s important to address them quickly to avoid losing your license. Whether you want to fight the traffic ticket or pay the fine, hire a traffic accident ticket lawyer to plead your case.

The Risk Isn’t Worth It

Driving with a suspended license is a serious offense in every state. If pulled over, not only will you have to surrender your vehicle (and foot the bill for the tow), you will also be detained and held accountable for all outstanding fines. Among others, legal ramifications include:

  • Time served, either in jail or through mandatory community service
  • Additional points on your license
  • Permanent loss of your license
  • Possible felony charges for outstanding warrants or reckless driving
  • Higher DMV fees

Additionally, you face higher scrutiny and rates from your insurance companies with a suspended license. Most agencies red flag drivers with suspensions, driving up coverage costs or terminating the policy altogether. To ensure continuous coverage, take all the necessary steps to keep your license in good standing.

Compared to the consequences of driving without a license, the cost of a speeding ticket fix is much less expensive. If you face the loss of your license over a serious moving violation or driving with a suspended license, consult with trusted reckless driving ticket fixers who can help build your defense.

Fix Your Driving Status

If your license is currently suspended or you face suspension, contact an experienced traffic attorney for a suspended license ticket fix. Your best chance of maintaining your driving privileges lies in a strong legal defense in front of a judge. Don’t let your driving status fall to chance–contact The Ticket Clinic today to have your day in court. Visit online or call 1-800-CITATION.