Why Are California Speeding Tickets So Expensive?

julio 17, 2018

Fines for speeding tickets in California are among the highest in the nation, with several surcharges that quickly increase the base fine for your infraction. Not only do California speeding tickets carry harsh penalties, they are also associated with dramatically increased insurance costs. According to a study published in Popular Mechanics, expect your insurance premium to rise by up to 20 times the original cost of the speeding ticket. An experienced speeding ticket attorney can help you avoid these costs by defending your interests in court.

Speeding Ticket Fines

Base fines for California speeding tickets are:

  • $35 for traveling between 1 and 15 mph over the speed limit
  • $70 for traveling between 15 and 25 mph over the speed limit
  • $100 for traveling more than 25 mph over the speed limit
  • $200 for traveling faster than 100 mph

These fines are doubled if the infraction took place in a construction zone.

In California, the maximum fines for speeding tickets are as follows:

  • $238 for driving at a speed of up to 15 mph over the maximum speed limit
  • $367 for driving 16 – 25 mph over the maximum speed limit
  • $490 for driving more than 26 mph over the speed limit
  • $900 for driving faster than 100 mph

If you are in a construction zone, maximum speeding fines increase to:

  • $367 for driving at a speed of up to 15 mph over the maximum speed limit
  • $525 for driving 16 – 25 mph over the maximum speed limit
  • $648 for driving more than 26 mph over the speed limit

Fines are also higher in dedicated safety enhancement zones.

Why the discrepancy between the base fee and the maximum fine? California adds several surcharges to your speeding ticket. This base fine is subject to a 20 percent surcharge. For example, if you are pulled over for driving 51 mph when the speed limit is 25 mph, you will receive a base fine of $490 and a surcharge of $98 for a total of $588.

Other added charges may include:

  • $10 state assessment for every $10 of the base fine
  • $7 county assessment for every $10 of the base fine
  • $4 DNA ID fund penalty for every $10 of the base fine
  • $5 state court construction penalty for every $10 of the base fine
  • $2 emergency medical services fee for every $10 of the base fine
  • $4 emergency medical air transport fee
  • $40 court operations assessment
  • $35 criminal convictions assessment
  • $1night court assessment

Points for Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets CA add a point to your driving record, or two points for speeds exceeding 100 mph. Your license can be suspended if you receive more than four points within 12 months, more than six points within 24 months, or more than eight points within 36 months. Some judges will immediately suspend a driver’s license for an egregious speeding violation.

How long are speeding tickets on your record? One-point violations are usually cleared from your driving record after 39 months. If you get a speeding ticket and fail to appear in court, that infraction will remain on your record for five years. In some cases, you can have a point removed from your record by completing a state-approved defensive driving course.

If you’ve received a speeding ticket in California, an experienced speeding tickets lawyer can negotiate for reduced penalties on your behalf. Contact The Ticket Clinic for a free consultation at 1-800-CITATION. We have 10 California offices and have defended more than 3 million traffic ticket cases across the nation since 1987.