Top 5 Defensive Driving Tips

julio 17, 2018

One thing you will hear over and over when you are new to driving is that you need to drive defensively. You hear it a lot but may be confused about what that actually means. Defensive driving doesn’t mean you need to be on-edge just waiting for a crash to happen. You don’t want to feel anxious and tense every second.

Defensive driving means that you are focused on the task at hand and aware of your surroundings. If you master the art of driving defensively, you’ll avoid more fender benders and speeding tickets. Here are the top defensive driving tips from The Ticket Clinic.

  1. Avoid All Distractions

If you are sending text messages, checking Instagram, or talking on the phone, you’re not giving the proper attention to your driving. You probably already know that there are California laws against texting and driving. However, there are plenty of other distractions you need to tackle. Eating, drinking, reaching for objects, fiddling with controls, or grooming are all common behaviors that divert your attention from operating your vehicle. When you drive free of distractions, you will be alert and be able to anticipate what other motorists are going to do.

  1. Pay Attention to Every Road Sign

When you become a seasoned driver, you may go into a type of auto-pilot mode and ignore traffic signs. This can result in you speeding inadvertently or driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street. You must be aware of every road sign you encounter on your drives so you know what to do. Don’t assume you can count on the driver ahead of you to know what he or she is doing. Constantly obey traffic lights and follow the guidelines of signs.

  1. Learn How to Drive In Various Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions result in a lot of collisions, so it’s ideal for you to know how to drive in different conditions. Driving in the dark and/or in the rain is far different from driving on a clear, sunny day. The more adept you are at driving in dark and wet conditions, the safer you’ll be.

  1. Keep Your Distance

Don’t drive too close to other vehicles. If the car in front of you brakes suddenly, you may collide with it. You must make sure you have enough space between your car and the car ahead of you. If you rear-end a vehicle, you may wind up with rising insurance rates. Try to keep two car lengths between you and the drivers in front of you. This will give you enough room if you need to come to a sudden halt. You’ll need even more distance if you’re driving on icy or snowy roads.

  1. Communicate With Other Motorists

It’s easy to get frustrated while driving. But the more you make an effort to be kind and communicative, the safer you’ll be. Use your turn signals, stay out of blind spots, brake with a little warning, and use your headlights. Make eye contact with drivers at four-way stops and give them a wave to let them go ahead.  The more you communicate, the more other drivers will communicate back to you and make the road a safer place for everyone.

Use these strategies in your daily driving to form them as habits. If you practice these defensive driving techniques on a consistent basis, you’ll be a safe driver by habit. Driving safely will help save you from getting into accidents and receiving citations. If you’re reading this, you may already be in trouble for careless driving. You may be wondering, “How can I fight my ticket for reckless driving?” Just contact The Ticket Clinic and we’ll take care of it for you.