Texting While Driving in California

junio 4, 2018

Texting on a mobile phone has been unlawful in California since 2009. However, new laws are constantly passing and restricting the use of electronic devices while driving even more. If the police catch you using your handheld device behind the wheel, you may get a careless driving ticket. Here’s an overview of the distracted driving laws in California and when you may need to contact a reckless driving ticket lawyer.

Phones and Other Electronic Devices

Reading or sending text messages isn’t the only thing that’s illegal now. Currently, it is illegal for California motorists to operate any wireless device while driving. This includes checking your GPS. The base penalty for a distracted driving violation is $20, but it often adds up to more than that. Texting while driving tickets can easily add up to several hundred dollars. If you’re facing fines for distracted driving, don’t pay your ticket immediately. Instead, contact the ticket fighters at The Ticket Clinic.

Hands-Free Technology

The rules for using hands-free technology, such as Bluetooth, depend on the age of the motorist. Drivers who are 18 and older may use hands-free devices as long as they don’t use earpieces that cover both of their ears. However, drivers younger than 18 are restricted from using wireless technology for electronic communication. This includes phones, laptops, and MP3 players.

Exceptions to the Laws

There are some notable circumstances during which these laws do not apply. You are allowed to text while drive if:

  • You are driving an authorized emergency vehicle
  • You are using your vehicle on private property
  • You are making an emergency call to a medical provider, law enforcement agency, or fire department

If you are not in any of these situations, you are prohibited from using your cellphone while driving.

Distracted driving may result in a car crash. In that case, you’ll need the best accident ticket lawyers from The Ticket Clinic. Find out how The Ticket Clinic can help you with any traffic violation.