How Driving Records Influence Hiring Decisions

From the time you get your driver license, a lot of new problems and obstacles arise in your path. Many people get tickets for speeding, driving without their license, failing to register their vehicle, and a number of other reasons. The more blemishes you have on your driver license record, the more your mistakes on […]
California Off-Road Driving Tips

Driving in California cities can be frustrating because of traffic congestion, road construction, and more. If you are tired of being stuck on California highways and want to take your all-terrain vehicle off the pavement, there are beautiful trails to use. However, it’s not a free pass to drive however you please and be reckless. […]
Why Using a Dash Cam with Parking Mode is so Important

Dash cams are becoming very popular for both new and experienced drivers. Once you understand the many benefits they provide, it’s easy to see why. A dash cam is a piece of equipment that records the road and other vehicles surrounding your vehicle. Dash cams are especially helpful if you’re involved in an accident because […]
How to Be Safe Around Aggressive Drivers

Whether you’re a beginning or a seasoned driver, you’re bound to come across aggressive drivers at some point while you’re on the road. It’s not enough to just practice safe driving techniques on today’s fast-paced roadways. You must also learn to drive defensively if you want to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Here are […]
15 Life Saving Driving Tips for Beginners

As a new driver, you should learn how to drive defensively and protect yourself from every reckless driver on the road. Here are 15 life-saving driving tips you should follow every time you get behind the wheel. Whenever possible, give yourself an extra 10-15 minutes to get to work, school or wherever else you need […]
Why Was My Driver’s License Suspended?

A California driver’s license can be suspended for a variety of reasons – even for the most cautious and law-abiding driver. The California Department of Motor Vehicles can suspend a license if you refuse to purchase car insurance or for receiving too many traffic tickets. Suspensions can be for 30 days or for more than […]
Why Are California Speeding Tickets So Expensive?

Fines for speeding tickets in California are among the highest in the nation, with several surcharges that quickly increase the base fine for your infraction. Not only do California speeding tickets carry harsh penalties, they are also associated with dramatically increased insurance costs. According to a study published in Popular Mechanics, expect your insurance premium to […]
What You Can Expect at the DMV After a DUI Arrest

If a California police officer pulls you over and makes an arrest for driving under the influence, he will confiscate your driver’s license. The arresting officer is then required to forward your driver’s license and a suspension report to the Department of Motor Vehicles. This is a temporary suspension that remains in effect while the […]
Top Tips for Driving Highway 1: Ultimate California Road Trip

Whether you’ve lived there all your life or are visiting for the first time, California commands a majesty unique among the 50 states. Not only is it the third largest state in land area, it features everything from beaches to mountains and from lush forests to barren deserts. Among the ultimate California experiences, few trips […]
Top 5 Defensive Driving Tips

One thing you will hear over and over when you are new to driving is that you need to drive defensively. You hear it a lot but may be confused about what that actually means. Defensive driving doesn’t mean you need to be on-edge just waiting for a crash to happen. You don’t want to […]