Downtown LA’s Most Heavily Ticketed Areas

marzo 21, 2018

Traffic tickets in Los Angeles are no joke. There are hot spots around the city where more traffic tickets than average get handed out. When that happens, an all traffic offense attorney can help you challenge the ticket, even when it is a red-light camera ticket. Of course, the easiest way to avoid a ticket is to keep yourself from getting one in the first place.

Know the Heavily Ticketed Areas

There are a few intersections that are known to be problems, to the point where local news stations frequently run television and radio stories warning drivers of the fact that they are heavily monitored. Those include:

  • La Brea near Coliseum Street
  • The corner of Roscoe and Nagle in Sun Valley
  • Woodman and Collins in Sherman Oaks
  • Laurel Canyon and Canton in Hollywood Hills
  • PCH and East O Street in Wilmington

These are some of the top hot spots in the city, but they are hardly the only ones. There are also a lot of known hot spots for red light traffic ticket stops, while these are just the top sites for speeding tickets.

Know How to Spot an Area with High Ticketing Risk

Those that are critics of the police attempts to change traffic behavior often accuse law enforcement of using geographic landmarks and tough to navigate intersections to entrap motorists. The police maintain that they are simply attempting to educate the public about the importance of obeying speed laws even when terrain is challenging. Either way, it means that lights with short timing, hills, blind turns, and complex intersections will still be challenging as they will still carry increased chances that drivers will need reckless driving ticket fixers or even a suspended license lawyer.

Not all traffic lawyers are equally experienced. When you need the best accident ticket lawyers to help defend your position after a car accident, contact Ticket Clinic. We make it our business to help people facing traffic tickets.