California Off-Road Driving Tips

julio 17, 2018

Driving in California cities can be frustrating because of traffic congestion, road construction, and more. If you are tired of being stuck on California highways and want to take your all-terrain vehicle off the pavement, there are beautiful trails to use. However, it’s not a free pass to drive however you please and be reckless. You still need to be aware of your surroundings and observe California driving laws. Before you start exploring, here are some things you should do.

Planning Your Trip

It is always best to do a little bit of research before you go on your first off road adventure. Pick the trail or park you would like to visit first and familiarize yourself with their policies. Even though you are leaving the highway, you want to make sure you know the laws in place, or you may find yourself in need of ticket lawyers. When you are trying to find locations for off road driving, there are quite a few places to look.

  • The Bureau of Land Management – the BLM is responsible for off highway trails across the country. Searching their locations would be a good place to start.
  • The United States Forest Services – U.S. Forest Services manage many legal off road trails throughout the country where you can gain experience.
  • Local off-road clubs – if there is an organized group of people in your area that enjoy driving off road, they may know of trails that are not owned by the government but still open to the public. This is also very helpful in learning the etiquette associated with driving off road, especially among those in your own community.
  • Online forums – The internet is a great way to gain a wealth of knowledge without having to be close to all of the people you wish to speak with. Members of forums may also have an event or two throughout the year participate in activities together.
  • Vehicle manufacturers – Some vehicle companies like Jeep and Land Rover host events to facilitate relationships and activities within the off highway vehicle community.

Be sure to find out about fees and the details of trails offered in your park of choice. Some parks don’t require a ticket for entry but will require a fee for parking. Other parks require a entrance fee and no other payment. In addition, many parks or groups of trails have areas with varying levels of difficulty. Beginning with an easier trail will help you learn driving safety associated with taking your vehicle off the highway. Take the time to look at your options and decide where to begin.

Be a Courteous Driver

While off-road driving is fun, it is also dangerous. It’s important to be aware of who is on the trail with you and make sure you’re careful around other drivers. Here are some helpful ground rules.

  • If hikers or bikers are using the same trails, give them the right of way. You should always yield to a vehicle in a more dangerous position.
  • Be careful to know where you are on a trail so you do not stop in an area where you cannot be seen easily by oncoming vehicles.
  • If you are driving with a group, use hand signals to notify drivers outside of your group of how many vehicles are with you.
  • Help others even when you don’t know them. If another driver is stranded, lend them a hand. If you care for other drivers, you will be cared for too.

With these rules and some research, you can begin your off-road adventures.

At the Ticket Clinic, we recognize the fun and pleasure of off-road driving, but we also know there can sometimes be trouble. With a speeding ticket lawyer from our offices, you can be sure that your traffic troubles will be over quickly and inexpensively. Contact us for a free consultation today.