9 Signs Your Friend Is Too Drunk to Drive

marzo 21, 2018

While it’s good to have resources for a DUI ticket fix in the event that you are wrongly accused, the best way to avoid the hassle of fighting a DUI is to avoid getting pulled over. Since people who might not be in the best shape to drive have impaired judgment, you should be a good friend by knowing when to tell that someone has had too much to drink and cannot drive themselves home. The most major signs you can look for are:

  • Slurred speech
  • Inability to maintain balance
  • Slow reaction times

Since these symptoms can also affect people who are sober under certain circumstances, use your best judgment to help keep your friends from needing reckless driving ticket fixers to help them fend off DUI charges.

Signs Your Friend Probably Shouldn’t Drive

On top of the big three signs of impairment, there are a number of other signs that you should look out for in order to be more cautious.

  • Are they talking too loud or too fast?
  • Do they have trouble recalling the last few minutes of conversation?
  • Can they actually pass a field sobriety test? In this case, it’s easy to check for yourself.
  • Check out apps like Back Track that can measure sobriety by eye movement, and test your friend with one. If someone fails, that’s a bad sign.
  • Do they crash quickly when given a driving simulator on a phone or tablet?
  • Can you smell alcohol on your friend’s breath?

If you let someone drive when they shouldn’t, there’s a good chance you’ll need a careless driving ticket attorney, so play it safe.

Who to Contact

If you are looking for help with a DUI, the best accident ticket lawyers in the city usually have experience with DUI tickets. Contact Ticket Clinic today and learn more about how you can rely on us whenever you need an illegal u turn ticket lawyer or any other kind of legal help with traffic tickets.