4 Ways to Postpone Your Court Appearance for a Traffic Ticket

marzo 21, 2018

An all traffic offense attorney may recommend postponing your court appearance for your traffic ticket. Any kind of ticket, from running a stop sign to speeding, can result in hefty fines and points on your record. Delaying the court date is a strategy your Los Angeles ticket attorney may implement to increase the chances of having your case thrown out or to at least get more favorable punishments.

  1. Scheduling Conflicts

The best accident ticket lawyers are naturally busy with other cases besides yours. Judges need to work around your lawyer’s schedule as well as the prosecutor’s schedule to arrive at a date where everyone can be present. This could delay your case by several weeks or months, giving you more time to prepare.

  1. Death in the Family

Death can strike at any moment. If a loved one of yours passes away while preparing your court date, then you should contact a court clerk immediately to postpone. In many cases, the court will allow you to make the necessary arrangements and to mourn.

  1. Sudden Illness

You need to have a serious illness for the court to postpone the date. Some of the most common explanations include a herniated disc, flu, and strep throat. Similar to a death in the family, you need to inform the court as soon as possible.

  1. Marriage

Dealing with a DUI traffic ticket fix or a suspended license while planning a wedding is tough. The court may be willing to reschedule your date around your wedding. However, they may not be so accommodating when it comes to the honeymoon.

You can find a suspended license lawyer and other types of attorneys at The Ticket Clinic. Our lawyers have years of experience fighting an array of traffic violations and know what strategies work to get the most favorable results for you. Contact us at 1-800-CITATION so that we can start working on your case.