10 Surprising Facts About Speeding Tickets

marzo 21, 2018

At some point in your life, you’ll probably end up with a speeding ticket. Getting a speeding ticket is almost an inevitable aspect of driving. If you haven’t gotten one yet, you’re either extremely lucky or happen to be the most cautious driver in the world. As one of the most common types of traffic offenses, there are a lot of interesting and shocking facts about speeding tickets. Here’s a list of the top 10 surprising speeding ticket facts:

  1. Men are more likely to get speeding tickets than women.
  2. Approximately 34 million speeding tickets are issued every year.
  3. 56% of men and 43% of women say they’ve talked their way out of speeding tickets
  4. The average cost of a speeding ticket is $125.
  5. Speeding tickets bring a substantial amount of revenue for cities.
  6. 35% of speeding-related accidents happen on minor roads.
  7. Drivers can get a speeding ticket for tailgating.
  8. Speeding tickets may be handed out to drivers who illegally use carpool lanes.
  9. 50% of motorists take their case for a speeding ticket fix to court.
  10. 39% of those drivers succeed at reducing or eliminating their speeding tickets in court with the help of an all-traffic offense attorney.

Receiving a speeding ticket will easily turn an enjoyable day into a terrible one. Apart from the expense of the ticket, you may be dreading going to court to resolve it. Thankfully, you can get help from the reckless driving ticket fixers at the Ticket Clinic. Our attorneys are renowned for going to court for speeding tickets and getting them tossed out at affordable rates. We also have the best accident ticket lawyers.

Get Your Speeding Ticket Thrown Out

Whether you’re dealing with your first speeding ticket or you need a suspended license lawyer to get you back on the road, we can help. Get a free consultation with the Ticket Clinic by calling 1-800-248-2846 or telling us about your case with our contact form.