Seal Beach

Traffic Attorneys Who Fight for YOU

Seal Beach offers the best of what Los Angeles and Orange County have to offer, straddling the county line and sitting right on the water. Unfortunately, life in this area is a lot less fun when you’ve been hit with a moving violation. At Ticket Clinic, you’ll find the Seal Beach traffic ticket lawyer you need to remedy this situation and get you back to loving life and enjoying the things that matter most.

Identifying the Services You Need

Southern California drivers get ticketed for all sorts of reasons:

  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Collision
  • Cámaras de semáforos en rojo
  • Unsafe maneuvering
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI)

Because each type of violation requires a different legal approach, it’s imperative you hire an all traffic offense attorney with the experience to handle your situation. If you have a Seal Beach speeding ticket, you want an attorney with a history of getting speeding tickets dismissed. The lawyers at Ticket Clinic all have extensive experience fighting and fixing tickets, and we’ll make sure you work with someone qualified to fight your specific citation.

Proven and Efficient

We know California traffic laws. Ticket Clinic has defended millions of drivers and we have a success rate over 80 percent. Our 22-point checklist allows us to identify potential officer errors that may lead to a dismissal. For anyone needing a Seal Beach red light camera attorney, we have the knowledge to assess all of the technical issues in your case. If you need an illegal u-turn ticket lawyer, we have over 30 years’ experience delivering results. Best of all, our effective process allows us to help more clients and keep our rates lower than the competition.

Get a Free Consultation

If you think there’s a chance your ticket can be dismissed, it’s worth picking up the phone. Call the Ticket Clinic at 1-800-248-2846 to get free advice, or fill out this online contact form and get the process started.

Qué están diciendo nuestros clientes

I’ve used The Ticket Clinic twice now and both times my tickets have been dismissed. I’m almost positive because of all the hard work by Ryan M. I was lucky enough to get him again after the first ticket where it was for speeding. To my surprise, Ryan did his magic and it was dismissed. I can’t say enough about The Ticket Clinic!”-Norm S., Seal Beach