Reckless Driving in California: What You Need to Know and How a Lawyer Can Help

Reckless driving charges are no small matter in California. They carry steep penalties that can ripple through your life, affecting your driving record, insurance rates, and even your freedom. California Vehicle Code Section 23103 defines reckless driving as operating a vehicle with “willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” It’s a […]
Know These Lane Changing Laws Or Risk A California Traffic Ticket

In California, laws around changing lanes might seem routine, but they’re actually quite specific when it comes to intersections, crosswalks, and high-traffic areas. Designed for both driver and pedestrian safety, these rules outline when you can legally switch lanes and what could happen if you don’t follow them. Knowing these regulations helps keep drivers within […]
Look Out! Extra DUI Enforcement Coming To California Leading Into Labor Day

Warning: Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over Campaign Starts Across California 8/16/24 – 9/2/24 As Labor Day weekend approaches, many Californians are gearing up for a final summer celebration—barbecues, beach trips, and family gatherings are all on the agenda. But as you make your plans, there’s something important you need to keep in mind: the […]
What You Need To Know About California’s Street Racing Laws

Over the last few years, street racing events have surged in popularity across California. Just check the news, it seems like there’s a “takeover” somewhere across the state every week. In 2024 the state is trying to send a clear message that this illegal activity will not be tolerated. The result is the number of […]
How To Handle California Speeding Tickets 2024 Update

Receiving a speeding ticket is pretty annoying but things could get even more frustrating if you do not handle things correctly. This is why it’s important to reach out to a California traffic attorney as soon as possible after receiving your ticket. You might be unsure about how to handle a speeding ticket, but it’s […]
California DUI Checkpoints This Week

Drivers in California, take heed! Police will be holding DUI checkpoints in multiple cities throughout the state over the weekend. If you need another reason NOT to drink and drive, check out this roundup. We will do our best to update this post as we become aware of more DUI checkpoint announcements across California. 6/13/24 […]
How To Navigate Los Angeles Traffic Tickets

Maybe you were going too fast or just had a quick lapse in judgment and were allegedly caught breaking a traffic law. Just because you’ve gotten a ticket doesn’t mean that you’re automatically faced with fines and potential damage to your driving record. There’s always options, especially in the Los Angeles area where The Ticket […]