What Is Considered Reckless Driving?

Driving recklessly while operating a motor vehicle can take many different forms. The simplest definition of reckless driving is operating a vehicle in such a way that puts either people or property in danger, whether intentional or not. This offense is most often considered a misdemeanor; however, charges can vary in severity depending on if […]
5 Ways To Postpone Your Court Appearance

When dealing with a court appearance due to a traffic ticket, you may need more time to find a lawyer and get everything in order than is initially given to you. So, how can you reschedule court date traffic ticket when dealing with traffic courts near me? There are a few different approaches you can take […]
5 Things To Know About Rolling Stop Violations in California

Whether it’s an intersection without much traffic or a rushed day, it is easy to glide through a stop sign if no vehicles are in sight. Often referred to as a California rollstop sign, this practice may result in a ticket and a point on your driving record. Here are some tips about this common […]
Guide to Getting Your Bench Warrant Cleared for a Traffic Violation

Don’t let a traffic violation become the cause for your arrest. You can be taken into court custody on a traffic ticket warrant if you failed to appear in court for a traffic violation or missed paying a traffic ticket. If you learn a bench warrant has been issued for your arrest due to a […]
Medical Conditions and License Suspension in California

The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can issue a drivers license medical suspension if a person has a physical or mental health condition that affects his or her ability to drive safely. If you feel your license has been suspended in error, a suspended license lawyer can advocate on your behalf. If you want […]
Guide to Marijuana & Driving in California: Laws & Penalties

California marijuana laws have long been among the nation’s most progressive. Since the state legalized cannabis for recreational use in 2016, the definition of driving under the influence (DUI) has been expanded to include marijuana even for medical users with a prescription. However, many DUI lawyers note that this law has not been consistently enforced […]
10 Traffic Violations You Didn’t Realize Were Illegal

Everyone knows that speeding and reckless driving are illegal. However, there are many traffic laws that most people don’t know about. Find some of the most surprising below so you can avoid needing traffic ticket lawyers due to your improperly decorated car or another such offense. If you’ve ever been to the beach, you’ve likely asked: […]
How Do I Handle a Red Light Camera Ticket if I Was Not the Driver?

Thousands of traffic citations are issued each year to drivers in the state of California. From speeding tickets to texting while driving citations, each violation can add points to your driving record and cause you to pay high fines. One of the most confusing citation types is when a camera catches you for a red […]
5 Disadvantages Of Getting Points On Your Record

Most California drivers will receive at least one traffic citation during their life. Every moving violation results in points being placed on your driving record, which could eventually lead to your license being suspended. Here are five disadvantages to having points assigned to your license. Every time you renew your auto insurance, your driving record […]
What to Prepare for as a New Driver

Congratulations! You earned your driver’s license and checked off a milestone in your life. As a first time driver, you’ve still got some learning to do. Here’s everything you need to know about driving they didn’t teach you in class: Plan Every Trip You learned all the basic procedures to start, turn, and stop during […]