Top 5 California Road Test Mistakes

Beginner drivers have far more anxiety about the road portion of the test than the written. This is understandable because the written has clear questions off of material from a book with objective measurements. The road test puts you in unpredictable situations and is based on the judgement of your examiner. Learning to avoid the […]
Speed Limits in California

If you’re hitting the road in California, it’s important to understand the state’s speed limits and the steep penalties associated with speeding tickets. Whether you’re new to the state or just here for a vacation or business trip, you can seek the assistance of a speeding ticket lawyer if you are pulled over for exceeding […]
Safety Benefits Of Traffic Cameras Dubious In San Francisco

Law enforcement authorities have long relied on technology to assist them in their work. Thus, it came as little surprise to many when red light cameras were first introduced. Proponents of them claim that they increase both driver and pedestrian safety by adding an extra layer of enforcement to traffic regulations. Yet how have those […]
Open Container Laws in California

In California, drivers and passengers are prohibited from having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle while in transit or parked. Recent updates to this law also govern marijuana use in a moving vehicle. Understanding the open container law Los Angeles can prevent you from receiving a costly ticket. If you have received a […]
Obtaining Your California Driving Record from the DMV

Your California driving records are important documents that describe your driving history within the state. The DMV handles all of your records. Some of the information that is on your record includes: Here is a helpful guide to obtaining your DMV ticket records. Why Request Your Driving Record You may need copies of your driving […]
New California Law Prevents Driver’s License Suspensions

It’s easy to take the elements of daily living for granted. Take driving, for example: If you really stopped to ponder how much you drive each day, you’d quickly realize that being able to drive is one of your most valued privileges. Imagine, then, how greatly your life would be impacted were that privilege to […]
How To Avoid Tickets While Driving for Uber or Lyft

Your buddy is making tons of money in his spare time on Uber or Lyft, so you decide to cash in on it too. A background check, some information filled out, and you’re accepting your very first ride. You cut it too close on a yellow light and hear those dreaded sirens behind you. Now, […]
Can You Get an Open Container Ticket for Transporting Alcohol?

You’ve probably heard it said before that it is illegal to drive with an open alcoholic beverage in your vehicle. Yet such a statement is quite general; it’s in knowing the exact details of it that will help you should you ever be issued traffic tickets for this infraction. For example, are your passengers able […]
California Drivers License Suspensions for Medical Conditions

As a responsible driver, you know that driving with a suspended license CA is never a good idea, and as a conscientious citizen, you do everything you can to keep your drivers license in good standing. However, even if you are the most careful and law-abiding driver on the road, your drivers license could still […]
Are Breathalyzers Accurate?

A police officer who suspects you were driving while intoxicated has the authority to make an arrest if you show signs such as slurred speech, erratic driving or if a field sobriety test is flunked. You may also be given a breathalyzer test. This test, however, is not as accurate as a blood or urine […]